Rooney, Rooney, Rooney… The Craziness Spectrum
“Great teachers are usually a little crazy.” Andy Rooney
From my experiences, Andy Rooney’s quote was right on target. But like most things with our writing or experience, we can’t oversimplify the significance of a word that can parsed into a multiplicity of meanings. My work in schools has run the gambit from a ‘good crazy’ that translated to an act of courage for the sake of students; to a ‘crazy crazy’ as I approached my newly appointed dean of students position at a middle high school in New Hampshire. Based on those experiences, I’d add administrators along with teachers to the spectrum of crazy. Ironically, it was two additional Rooneys (Gerry and Ed) who directly and indirectly helped me understand that we can’t take the word ‘crazy’ too lightly.
Rooney, Rooney, Rooney… The Craziness Spectrum Read More »